Use the Great Hall and all surrounding rooms for up o five (5) hours. Includes use of the catering kitchen, the Board Room, the Library, the Atrium, Private Courtyard, *tech package, 10 round or rectangular tables and cloths, room set up, clean up
Use of the Atrium, Library the Board Room, and Private Courtyard for up to five (5) hours. Includes use of the catering kitchen, *tech package, up to 10 round or rectangular tables with cloths, room set up, clean up
Use of the Board Room and Private Courtyard for up to four (4) hours. Includes use of the Catering Kitchen, *tech package, room set up, clean up
Use of the Board Room, Private Courtyard for up to three (3) hours. Includes use of Catering Kitchen, *tech package, room set up, clean up
Use the Great Hall and all surrounding rooms for up o seven (7) hours. Includes use of the Catering Kitchen, the Board Room, the Library, the Atrium, Private Courtyard, *tech package, set up, clean up, and use of tropical plants
Use the Great Hall and all surrounding rooms for up to five (5) hours. Includes use of the Catering Kitchen, Board Room, Library, Atrium, Private Courtyard, *tech package, room set up, clean up and use of tropical plants
Use the Atrium, Library, and the Private Courtyard for up to four (4) hours. Includes use of the Catering Kitchen, tables, chairs and tropical plants
Choice of one room (the Board Room, the Atrium, or the Private Courtyard) for up to three (3) hours Includes use of the Catering Kitchen, table, chairs, and tropical plants
*tech package: Includes use of podium with microphone, a cordless microphone, projector, WiFi, CD player/stereo
Regular office hours are considered 9:30am until 2:30pm, but can be flexible
General room layout